The Christopher James Hall Foundation uses photography and storytellingto foster inclusivity and empathy. We enable projects where individuals facing adversity express themselves creatively. Collaborative projects with charitable organisations address social issues like domestic abuse and homelessness. Through curated exhibitions and publications, we amplify marginalized voices, raising awareness and celebrating resilience. Our advocacy extends to awareness campaigns, inspiring action and support for positive societal change. Together, we empower individuals and build a more inclusive future.

Collaborative Projects


At the Christopher James Hall Foundation, we believe in the power of collaboration to address complex social issues. Our approach to creating collaborative projects involves partnering with charitable organisations that specialise in areas such as domestic abuse, homelessness, mental health, disability, and age-related challenges.

By fostering genuine collaboration and amplifying the voices of those affected by social issues, our collaborative projects ensure a personal and impactful approach that drives positive change in society. Together, we strive to create a more inclusive and empathetic world where everyone’s voice is heard and valued.

Identifying Partners

We actively seek out reputable charitable organisations that align with our mission and focus areas. These partners often have firsthand experience and expertise in addressing specific social issues, providing valuable insights and resources.

Co-Creation Process

We engage in a co-creation process with our partner organisations and the communities they serve. This involves listening to the voices and experiences of individuals affected by these issues, ensuring that their perspectives shape the project's direction and objectives.

Tailored Solutions

Each collaborative project is tailored to address the unique needs and circumstances of the target population. By leveraging the strengths of everyone involved, we design projects that are sensitive, relevant, and impactful.

Participant Engagement

We prioritize the active participation of individuals from the community in every stage of the project. This includes opportunities to be involved allowing participants to share their stories and contribute to the project's outcomes.

Empowerment and Advocacy

Our collaborative projects aim not only to raise awareness but also to empower participants to become advocates for change. Through participation they gain the confidence to advocate for themselves and their communities.



The foundation curates exhibitions showcasing the work of participants, providing poignant platforms to raise awareness about pressing social challenges while celebrating the talents and stories of those involved. These exhibitions serve as tangible opportunities for the wider audience to engage with the realities faced by marginalized individuals, fostering empathy and contributing to positive societal change.

In addition to exhibitions, the foundation produces publications featuring the photographs and stories of individuals from their projects. These publications, which include books and other printed materials, serve as compelling narratives that aim to bring attention to important social issues. Through evocative imagery and personal stories, they offer a window into the lived experiences of marginalized communities, promoting greater understanding and empathy. By amplifying these voices and stories, the foundation’s publications play a crucial role in catalyzing change and advocating for a more inclusive and empathetic society.


The foundation's exhibitions are carefully curated showcases highlighting the work of participants. These exhibitions serve as poignant platforms, shedding light on the talents and stories of individuals while also addressing pressing social challenges. By bringing together a diverse range of perspectives and experiences, these exhibitions play a vital role in raising awareness and fostering empathy within communities. They provide a tangible opportunity for the wider audience to engage with the realities faced by marginalized individuals, ultimately contributing to positive societal change.


The foundation's publications are powerful mediums through which the voices and experiences of individuals from their projects are shared. These publications, which include books and other printed materials, serve as compelling narratives that aim to bring attention to important social issues. Through the combination of evocative imagery and personal stories, they offer a window into the lived experiences of marginalized communities, promoting greater understanding and empathy. By amplifying these voices and stories, the foundation's publications play a crucial role in catalyzing change and advocating for a more inclusive and empathetic society.


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