Frequently Asked WEDDING Questions

I don’t have a fixed quantity of photos to provide you with. As a documentary-style wedding photographer, my goal is to tell the story of your wedding day. Consequently, the greater the occurrences during the event, the more extensive your photo collection will be. To offer a general estimate, for a typical 8-hour day, you can expect to receive approximately 400-500 photos.

Prior to the wedding day, I don’t typically conduct venue visits. My focus is on arriving early on the actual day, allowing me to grasp the unique arrangement of the venue. Photography revolves around the interplay of light, a factor that can fluctuate not just daily, but even hourly. I’ve captured weddings across diverse weather and lighting scenarios, spanning from splendid summer sunshine to stormy hurricanes. I possess the ability to artistically leverage the available spaces, adapting to the prevailing weather conditions and making the most of them.

I recognise your eagerness to view your photos promptly, and to accommodate this, I’ll send you a brief assortment of images within a couple of days. Following that, I’ll diligently curate all your photographs and present your complete album within a span of two to four weeks. It’s important to note that during the peak season, my schedule can become quite hectic. While there might be a slight extension in delivery time, it won’t be significantly prolonged.

I hold both public liability and indemnity insurance, along with comprehensive coverage for all my equipment.

Since establishing my business in 2015, I’ve maintained an unblemished record of attending every photography booking. Nonetheless, I’ve implemented precautions to ensure that you’re never left without a photographer in the unlikely event of any unforeseen circumstance. I collaborate closely with a select group of photographers who would be my initial point of contact for coverage. In case their availability is limited, I’m also connected with The Guild of Photographers, allowing me to assist you in securing a proficient replacement photographer if needed.

I regret to inform you that I am unable to offer further reductions in my prices. The rates I present reflect the most competitive rates I can provide. I encourage you to explore the offerings of other wedding photographers with a similar level of experience, and you’ll likely find that my prices are already quite competitive.

I’ll be in touch approximately two weeks prior to your wedding date to verify the specifics of any group shots you’d like to include. This step is important as guest lists can undergo last-minute changes.

Certainly! Just inform me, and I’ll take care of it.

To determine my availability and discuss your needs, just scroll down to the bottom of this page. Once you’ve shared your requirements, I’ll promptly provide you with an official quote for your wedding. To secure your booking, a 15% deposit and a signed contract are required. The remaining balance can be settled anytime prior to your wedding date.

No worries at all. What matters most is confirming your booking with the information you have currently. If any adjustments are needed closer to the date, just inform me, and we’ll handle it.

You’ll be granted complete printing rights, empowering you to print, copy, or share your images extensively for your personal use. However, it’s important to note that these privileges don’t extend to commercial or profitable purposes. In order to safeguard against unauthorized use or theft, I will retain the copyright ownership of the images.

Certainly! I provide a variety of albums and prints that you can select from once you’ve had the chance to view your wedding images. Here’s a little tip: I’ve noticed that when you share your wedding gallery with your guests, friends, or family, it often leads to albums being purchased as thoughtful gifts for the newlywed couple.